BlackDot InfoTech has been delivering software development and related IT services.

BlackDot InfoTech Pvt.Ltd is a blooming Website Designing/Development, Mobile APP Development, enterprise content management solutions(CMS), customer relationship management (CRM) , software product engineering (SPE) and Web Hosting Company based in Chennai.
- communicate accurately and unambiguously across the barriers imposed by distance, time zones languages, or cultures – or all of these factors;
- manage all dimensions of the software development lifecycle – requirements, change and assets, testing, coding, etc. – in a distributed environment.
BlackDot InfoTech can help here, for we know perfectly well how to ensure there are neither overlaps nor conflicting delivery terms.
One-Stop Vendor
From requirements definition and specification, architecture design, UXD, coding, testing and validation to product maintenance and support, we can handle it all in any combination.
Personal Approach
We thoroughly examine each customer’s case. Depending on the project requirements, we engage a dedicated team of business analysts to analyze and understand clients' specific objectives and needs to find a solution that meets them.
Exceptional Quality
Each project at BlackDot InfoTech is under the supervision of a dedicated quality assurance team that monitors all project activities and results at each development phase.
Complete Transparency
Depending on specific requirements, our experts will take clients through each phase of solution development, step by step, providing sound advice on technology and application design options.